Army of Darkness Defense iOS Review
Exclusively on: iPhone/iPad
Genre: Action
Publisher: Backflip Studios
Developer: Backflip Studios
They had me at "Army of Darkness"
Army of Darkness Defense is a pleasant surprise, delivering a fun take on the castle defense genre.

There are no surprises for guessing what kind of game Army of Darkness Defense is, but for those uninitiated this title places you in the role of Ash as he tries to defend the castle from an invading horde of Deadites .You control Ash by touching either side of the screen, moving him left to right so that he attacks the incoming waves of enemies who are trying to capture the powerful book of the dead called the Necronomicon.Ash attacks automatically with his shot gun, a robotic hand or, if you upgrade enough, a chainsaw.

Defense element of Army of Darkness Defense comes into play is with your ability to call in allied troops. You automatically accumulate iron throughout each wave, enabling you to spend it to call inspecific types of troops.The game does have a pay system which allows you to spend a few dollars to get more gold, and the return is pretty good on how much you can level up for your payment.
If you’re a fan of Army of Darkness or defense games this is an easy must buy.Army of Darkness it’s fun and addictive for short play sessions.
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